July 28, 2021
July 16, 2021
July 13, 2021
July 7, 2021
July 3, 2021
The Passing of a Friend

Tatyanna Patten
Today we mourn the loss of a friend, Priscilla Ann Dawson Kingston, who passed away on Nov. 25, 2016. Priscilla and her husband Ron have been the host and hostess setting up Monticello Bird Club meetings at Ivy Creek for years. Married for 42 years, both were avid birders and familiar faces around our grounds. Priscilla was the co-chair of the NABS Speakers' Bureau for 18 years and both Kingstons received the 2015 Virginia Bluebird Society Heritage Award. Those familiar with it may recognize their photo, which was taken here on our grounds. Their volunteer work of 38 years as bluebirders included presentations, educational workshops and slide shows at many venues. The couple also built bluebird houses/boxes which they placed and monitored at many locations--including here at ICNA. As charter members of the local Monticello Bird Club and long-time supporters of Ivy Creek Foundation, their contributions have been many and Priscilla's company will be missed.