More Mountain Laurel!

I know that many of you who love Ivy Creek are staying home these days and might be missing some of your favorite times of year here.  Last week I posted a picture of some Mountain Laurel blooming on the blue trail and mentioned the glorious stands of it along the peninsula trail.  Mountain Laurel in late May/early June along the peninsula trail is one of those experiences that one remembers year after year.  Bob Gore has made a video for those of you who cannot make it out this year or to inspire those who have never seen it.  You can find it here.   

And for more about Mountain Laurel, please check out June's Walking With Bess audio tour from Dede Smith.  You can find it here.  You can use this walk out on the trail or at home and it features the narration of Bess Murray, one of Ivy Creek's early Directors and an inspiring naturalist.

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