
Milkweed as pollinator

Catherine Boston

A few days ago I shared a picture of a monarch caterpillar on a milkweed plant.  Yesterday I was in the Butterfly Garden and found a milkweed in bloom doing it's job of attracting several pollinators at once.  Clearly this plant deserves its place in the garden.  To learn more about the milkweed plant, listen to Bess Murray's description at the Natural History Audio page on our website.  We have a collection of Bess's 5 minute audios about a variety of subjects available there.  After you listen about milkweed, you can listen about caterpillars, or hear why it is so important to protect our wild spaces while you learn about the early days of the ICNA fields.  These audios are a precious re-visiting for those of us who remember them from the 1990s.  But they are a timeless treasure for anyone.

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