Spring on the Peninsula Trail

Cricket frog on Peninsula

Catherine Boston

It was a beautiful day at Ivy Creek today.  Overcast after the morning rains and cool but not cold.  Spring was visible everywhere starting with the spicebush blooms just by the barn.  Further down the Red trail I found painted turtles on the reservoir, mallards "mucking" in the marsh, and a very vocal kingfisher quite active over Ivy Creek.  A kinglet came to visit while I was sitting on a bench on the peninsula trail.   It is mating season for several species of frogs and a walk by the water is a good time to look (and listen) for signs of them.  Walking the Peninsula Trail, I did find several Cricket frogs, one of whom let me take it's picture.  Cricket frogs are small frogs (between 5/8"- 1 3/8") with a call that sounds like two stones being knocked together.  To learn more about the Cricket frog and to hear their call, you can visit the Virginia Herpetological Society's website.  

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