The mission of the Ivy Creek Foundation is to connect people to the past and present by honoring the land, history and community. We achieve this by inspiring and engaging our community in the stewardship of our natural resources and our rich African American cultural history.
For our sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency, the Ivy Creek Foundation has received Charity Navigator’s and GuideStar’s highest ratings!
Individual Donations
The Ivy Creek Foundation depends on individual donations to maintain its trails and facilities at the Ivy Creek Natural Area, to work to preserve Historic River View Farm, and to design and implement its educational programs. More than half of our support comes from people like you.
Your donation supports the field trips we provide to local school children, the Ivy Talks programs on natural and cultural history topics, the many native flora, fauna, geology, and history walks and talks we lead, and many other programs that connect hundreds of people to nature and to history every year.
If you prefer to pay with a credit card, DonorView is our online processor. Please click the button to donate.
To donate by check, mail your check to us at:
Ivy Creek Foundation
P.O. Box 956
Charlottesville, VA 22902
We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit. Our Taxpayer Identification Number is 54-1112932. Your gift is tax deductible. Also, we will never sell or share your information.
Planned Giving
With your personal experience with the Ivy Creek Natural Area and Riverview Farm, you understand the value, benefits and the importance of your contribution. You can help provide for future generations by remembering us in your will or naming the organization as a beneficiary of your IRA, annuity, or other financial assets. Your planned gift will help the community today and for years to come.
Some examples of various types of planned giving are found on this page. A bequest may be in the form of cash, securities, or other property. You should specify that the Ivy Creek Foundation is to receive a certain amount or percentage of your estate, particular assets or the remainder of your estate after providing for heirs.
Corporate Giving
Is your company interested in sponsoring our efforts? You can become a Corporate Friend of Ivy Creek with sponsorship packages starting at $500.00. Contact our Executive Director at for more information! Many thanks to our current Corporate Friends Wild Birds Unlimited - Charlottesville, Douglas W. Gilpin, Jr., Architect, and Virginia National Bank.

Are you a donor and an employee at a company that has a charitable gift matching program? Let us know where you work and how we can become approved to join your corporate match program! Other companies make donations based on their employees’ volunteer hours--please check the charitable giving policy of your company and send us the information we need to have to leverage your contribution!