July 28, 2021
July 16, 2021
July 13, 2021
July 7, 2021
July 3, 2021

Catherine Boston
I was recently talking with a friend about dragonfly larvae so I had dragonflies on my mind as I walked the red/brown trail today. I don't know a great deal about these beautiful creatures but I find them captivating. They spend the majority of their lives in water as nymphs (up to four years) and only a brief time as adult dragonflies (up to six months). They are voracious predators in both stages. This dragonfly decided to stop and pose for me along the field. I always have to use a guide to identify dragonflies and this one had me perplexed. The body seems very much to be a female common whitetail but the wings are for the male of the species (which has a very distinctive white abdomen). This led to an enjoyable journey to discover that there is an immature stage of the male's development when they have the body markings of a female but the wings are distinctively male. So I believe this is an immature male common whitetail dragonfly. I stand ready to be corrected and learn from my mistakes if there is an expert out there who has a more accurate identification. Either way, I hope this dragonfly is making the most of it's brief moment in the sun.