
Susie Farmer
Volunteers are our most valued assets!
The Ivy Creek Foundation could not exist without our many knowledgeable, dedicated volunteers. They provide invaluable expertise and support to all aspects of our work.
Here are some of the ways you could volunteer:
Nature Guides
- ICF is seeking volunteers to lead hikes on the trails of Ivy Creek Natural Area. These guides have two options on the hikes that they would like to lead. We need guides for school tours; please see the Field Trips page for more information on what is needed. We are also in need of guides who can lead nature walks that are related to any type of flora or fauna at ICNA. These could include tree identification hikes, plant and wildflower walks, geology walks, water ecology walks, land succession, mushroom identification walks, animal or insect identification, animal tracks, bird hikes, or any type of educational hike that could be presented to adults or families.
Farm Docents
- Learn about the African-American cultural heritage site and the natural history of Ivy Creek Natural Area/River View Farm
- Share your knowledge at the barn once a month (Saturday or Sunday from 10 AM - 12 PM from March - November)
- Give tours of River View Farm
- Training is available for new volunteers and extra resources are available at the Docent Resources page.
Trail Monitors
- Trail monitors adopt a trail and visit their trail once a month and after major storms
- They make sure the trail is clear and stays safe by removing debris, trimming back vegetation, and clearing waterbars
- Tools and training are provided
- Send us pictures from ICNA that we can share on social media, our website and our newsletter
- Please identify the subject of the picture
- Send to Rochelle Garwood at rochelle@ivycreekfoundation.org