Virginia Festival of the Book

VA Festival of the Book 2022

Authors Georgann Eubanks (Saving the Wild South), and Kat Maier (Energetic Herbalism) discuss ecological stewardship and resources for medicinal plant uses from many traditions. Much more than guidebooks, these authors trace their own research and travels toward deep appreciation for sensitive ecosystems. In conversation with Lilia Fuquen.

As part of the 2022 Virginia Festival of the Book, this event is FREE and open to the public. THIS IS AN IN-PERSON EVENT. Book sales and signing will follow.

Thanks to our bookseller for this event, Bluebird Books, who will donate 20% of sales from this event to the Ivy Creek Foundation.

NOTE: This event will be held outdoors at the Ivy Creek Natural Area. Please bring lawn chairs or blankets for lawn seating. In case of bad weather, it will be moved into the Education Building with very limited capacity, and an announcement will be posted on this page.

This Week