Ivy Talk - Promoting Biodiversity at Ivy Creek: Fire, Deer, and Invasive Species Management

Maximizing biodiversity in a place such as the Ivy Creek Natural Area requires active intervention. John Scrivani will discuss past and future biodiversity projects at Ivy Creek. John received his PhD in Forest Management from Oregon State University in 1985. After teaching forestry at Virginia Tech for four years, John took a Research Forester position with the Virginia Department of Forestry, where he managed field research, pine breeding, and forest inventory.  John joined the Ivy Creek Board of Directors in 1998 and served as President in 2000 and 2001.  John led the efforts to establish the warm-season grass fields and helped conduct the first prescribed burns at Ivy Creek.  John retired in 2017, to teach part-time at the University of Richmond, and to devote his volunteer efforts towards ecologic restoration, with both The American Chestnut Foundation and the Ivy Creek Foundation. 

This talk will be offered on Zoom. The talk is free, but pre-registration is required through this link:  https://app.donorview.com/0PowP

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