Tree Basics Class: Invasive Plant ID and Treatment

Autumn Olive

Tony Russell

Non-native invasive plants pose an increasing threat to the Piedmont Virginia landscape. Join Tree Stewards Tim Maywalt and William Hamersky to learn about the nature of this threat, how to identify the most common invasive plants and a wide range of treatment techniques. A slide presentation inside will be followed by a walk in the forest and meadows of the Ivy Creek Nature Center where invasives will be identified and treatment techniques demonstrated. Dress for the forest and the weather as we will be outside for up to an hour on and off trails on varied terrain. Also, bring any plants that you have questions about, and we will try to help you identify whether they pose a threat. AAttendees are invited for field experience identifying and treating invasive plants assisted by experienced staff on Sunday March 8 from 1 to 3 p.m. Details will be provided at class. Please register here.

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