VA Native Plant Society: Salamander Migrations to Virginia Vernal Pool Habitats

VNPS Jefferson Chapter Meeting: Salamander Migrations to Virginia Vernal Pool Habitats

 Wednesday, January 8th, 7:30-9:00 pm, Education Building at Ivy Creek Natural Area, 1780 Earlysville Road, Charlottesville.

Chris Asquith will give a talk on Salamander Migrations to Virginia Vernal Pool Habitats. For the last two years, Chris has been assisting Devin Floyd and the Center for Urban Habitats protect spotted salamanders as they cross Polo Grounds Road in February and March to reach their breeding pools. Chris Asquith is a life science educator originally from East Tennessee who has spent much of the last 10 years teaching environmental science and biology at summer camps as well as in high school and college classrooms. His master's degree from VCU focused on the ecology of tropical tree frogs in Panama. Currently, Chris teaches high school biology at Orange County High School and is an online instructor for a course in Alaska Natural History for a two-year native-owned college in Barrow, Alaska. In addition to volunteering as a Virginia Master Naturalist in the Rivanna Chapter, Chris is an active member of the Virginia Herpetological Society.

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