Fascinations with Honey Bees

Bees in hive

The Rivanna Master Naturalists invite Ivy Creek Foundation members to "Fascinations with Honey Bees." Ken and Karen Hall have entranced hundreds of kids and adults about the many amazing aspects of the honey bees’ life. Boiling their talk down from an eight-hour course (!!), they’re still enthusiastic to hear any questions you may have. In particular, they’ll be focusing on demonstrating biology through the observation hive, offering a honey tasting to illustrate differences in foraging, giving practical tips on nectar sources and pesticides, and sharing useful comparisons between different types of bees. Their passion is contagious! Hive mentality is on the move!

Since 1997, the Halls have been hobbyist beekeepers and members of the Central Virginia Beekeepers Association (CVBA). Their particular interest and emphasis is on community outreach and education, with the goal of promoting apiculture to the inquisitive of all ages.  They have been the Beekeepers for both the Virginia Discovery Museum and Ivy Creek Natural Area for years, and you can often find them in the Ivy Creek barn whenever it’s open, engaging a new crowd of listeners, young and old, with terrific stories about all their journeys with this endlessly fascinating creature. The Halls generously provide programs for public and private schools as well as community events, coordinate the Honeybee Exhibit at the Albemarle & Fluvanna County Fairs, and teach beginning beekeeping courses. Karen is Outreach Coordinator for CVBA.  Ken is one of ten Virginia State Master Beekeepers.

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