Disaster and Travel and Wilderness First Aid

First Aid

Deanna Yurchuk

Learn hands-on how to save life & limb, when mired in the wilderness of an urban disaster zone, travel or rural area far from hospital, or natural area miles from an access point, during the critical minutes or hours before ambulance arrival.  Very few first aid programs actually address the issues of providing emergency care in a setting where 911 is overwhelmed or not immediately reachable. In this course, classroom instruction and Q&A are interwoven with practical work and problem-solving exercises. Hands-on experience - a most powerful learning tool - during scenarios comprises ~50% of class. Come away with actual do-it-yourself care-giving skill and confidence, and 2-year SOLO certification. Counts as WFR Recertification, too. No prerequisites. Open to the general public, adults & teens with solid attention spans. Know your loved ones are safe wherever they are. 

TIMING AND REGISTRATION: This is a 2-day class, Saturday and Sunday May 11-12, 8:30am - 6:45pm each day. Fee: $195 (note: another organization in the region charges $275! You save $80, thanks in significant part to Great Outdoor Provision Co.'s (GOPC) sponsorship of this class).  Local nonprofit org support: GOPC and MEDIC will donate 10% of course proceeds to the Ivy Creek Foundation.  Pre-registration required at www.solowfa.com or 434-326-4697.  Spaces are limited. Meets at Gym at Mountaintop Montessori, 440 Pinnacle Place, Charlottesville, VA 22911.

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