Mr. Conly Greer’s Birthday Celebration

Conly Greer
On Sunday, March 30th, we will celebrate Mr. Conly Greer’s birthday at Ivy Creek Natural Area and Historic River View Farm in the Education Building from 2-4pm. Mr. Greer was born in 1883 in Crumpler, North Carolina. He met Mrs. Mary Carr Greer while studying agriculture at Virginia Normal and Industrial Institute (now Virginia State University). After marriage in 1913, Mr. Greer moved to River View Farm and began farming. In 1918, Mr. Conly Greer became the first African American Extension Agent in Albemarle County.
On March 30th, there will be an informative presentation with more details of Mr. Greer’s life and contributions. The barn, which he built in 1937-1938, will be open and light refreshments will be served in the Education Building.
Please bring non-perishable food items to be donated to a local food bank.
Please RSVP here: