Virginia Native Plant Society: Native Perennials for Wildlife

fritillary on butterfly weed

Rochelle Garwood

Native Perennials for Wildlife:  Design and Care

Lily Fox-Bruguiere was born and raised in Charlottesville and has spent her professional career in the world of gardens. Lily worked as a gardener for four years in New York City, receiving her Certificate in Horticulture from the Brooklyn Botanic Garden in 2004, then came back to Charlottesville to work in the gardens at Monticello for several years. After receiving her Master's degree at UVA in Architectural and Landscape History in 2010, she returned to Monticello for a ten-year position as the Garden and Outreach Coordinator at the Center for Historic Plants. Lily started her own garden design business in 2022 to create naturalistic gardens featuring predominantly native plants that are thoughtful, abundant, functional and beautiful for the benefit of people and wildlife.

Jefferson Chapter Virginia Native Plant Society meetings are held on the second Wednesday (except during the summer) starting at 7:00 PM in the Education Building at Ivy Creek Natural Area and Historic River View Farm. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

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