Ivy Talk: The Second Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas: A Bird Conservation Tool for the 21st Century

Pileated feeding young

Bob Gore

Join us for our Ivy Talk on October 18 at 6:30 PM. The 2nd Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas is among the largest volunteer-based avian survey projects to take place in Virginia, with close to 1,500 people having contributed data between 2016 and 2020.  Those data are currently being analyzed and will be published as a publicly-accessible website in the fall of 2025.  This presentation will introduce you to the Atlas, share some preliminary results, provide a peek at some of the forthcoming Atlas products, and discuss how the Atlas will contribute to bird conservation in Virginia by DWR and our partners.

Sergio Harding holds a Master’s Degree in Biology from Virginia Tech, where his thesis work focused on the federally endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker in North Carolina.  Sergio has worked as a Nongame Bird Conservation Biologist with the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) since 2005.  He oversees various avian projects and coordinates with other agencies on bird conservation issues.   He is also the Virginia coordinator of the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), and regularly participates in avian surveys.  These have included breeding land bird surveys of Wildlife Management Areas, as well as surveys of bald eagles, peregrine falcons, golden-winged warblers, loggerhead shrikes and breeding marsh birds.

This program is free and offered via Zoom. Register here: https://app.donorview.com/xXgwj

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