Native Seed Collecting Workshop and Seed Swap

Milkweed in the North Field

Ivy Creek Natural Area and Historic River View Farm is partnering with the Jefferson Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society to have a special program on Seed Collecting, Storing, and Planting, followed by a native plant seed swap. This program is a beginner’s guide to how to collect, store, and plant native seeds for native plant gardening.  During the program Will Shaw will introduce the cost-effective way to collect native seeds, plant them, and grow them for your garden.  After the presentation, there will be a native plant seed swap.  All seeds will be free and even if you have no seeds to swap, you are welcome to attend and get some seeds to start your native plant garden!

This event is focused on beginners or novices to native plant gardening and seed collection.  The program will present easy, cost effective, and earth friendly ways to collect, store, and grow native plants from seed. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required as space is limited. Please register for this event at

For the Seed Swap, please make sure that your seeds are cleaned and placed in a small envelope and labeled with the information on this form:

If you would like to contribute seeds to this event but cannot attend in person, there will be a seed drop off event on September 27, 2023, at the Ivy Creek Natural Area and Historic River View Farm Education Building from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm.

This Week