July Native Plant Walk

swamp rose mallow

Mary Lee Epps

Saturday July 20, 2024 - led by Dorothy Carney
meet at 9 AM at the kiosk near the parking lot

We will walk along the Red Trail and the Peninsula Loop for almost three hours. With so many plants to see, we will go slowly. We will see the TALL (!)  swamp rose mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos) and the small (!) water-willow (Justicia americana) as well as pickerelweed, arrowhead, milkweeds, St. John's worts (Hypericum sp.), partridgeberry, black cohosh and yellow passionflower. Some plants such as Jack in the Pulpit have gone to seed and will be quite showy. 

Dress for ticks and mosquitoes. Bring water. There is a restroom near the kiosk.  Not a forced march, hikers are always able to turn around early. This is a (light) rain or shine walk, but in the event of severe weather use good judgement and stay home.  Co-sponsors:  Jefferson Chapter, VNPS, and Ivy Creek Natural Area.  Free and open to the public.

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