Native Plant Society - Pollinators


Mary Lee  Epps will present on Tiny Critters Doing a Big Job:  the Importance of Insect Pollinators in our Ecosystem.  We’ll look at different ways pollination can occur, but with a particular focus on insect pollination.  Bees, moths, butterflies, wasps, flies and beetles all can play a role in moving pollen from plant to plant, but bees are by far the best equipped for the job and we’ll find out why.  We’ll also look briefly at the various threats to pollinators and finally we’ll give some pointers on designing a pollinator-friendly garden.

The Jefferson Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society meets at the Education Building on the second Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 pm.  These meetings are free and open to the public.  After chapter business, there is a presentation on a topic of chapter interest.  For more information, please check out their web page at or their Facebook page at

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