Earth Day 2017

Earth Day 2017 Schedule

Come celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, April 22, 2017 at the Ivy Creek Natural Area!

There will be Nature Walks, Hands-On Action, Community Exchange, Kids Programs, Tours and Information Tables.

Here's the schedule:

At 7:30 in the Parking Lot start with a Bird Walk with the Monticello Bird Club or by the Kiosk with a Photography Walk with Victoria Dye Photography. [Rain may shorten, but does not cancel the Bird Walk. Rain cancels the Photography Walk.]

At 9:00 meet in the parking lot for an invasive plant pull to keep the natural area alive with native flora led by the Charlottesville Area Tree Stewards.

Also at 9:00, the Central Virginia Beekeepers Ass'n will have a tent near the barn with a honeybee hive demonstration and information. [Severe weather--lightning & wind--does cancel this activity.]

At 10:00 there will be a Little Naturalists program in the Education Building for three to five year olds by the Ivy Creek Foundation.  [A self-guided activity; rain does not cancel this activity.]

Also at 10:00 in the barn will be a plant swap with the Charlottesville Time Bank. [Rain does not cancel this activity.]

At 11:00 starting from the kiosk there will a plant walk on the Trees and Flowers of Ivy Creek with the Virginia Native Plant Society.

At 12:00 noon in the Education Building, Nature Tales, Puppets & Crafts with the Rivanna Master Naturalists [Rain does not cancel this activity.]

Also at 12:00 noon under the shelter by the Education Building an Invasive Plant Demonstration and Information Table with Blue Ridge PRISM [Rain relocates BR PRISM to the barn.]

At 1:00 PM there will be extended Barn Tours in the Ivy Creek Barn with Ivy Creek Foundation [Rain does not cancel this activity.]

Also at 1 pm Trees for Kids Scavenger Hunt with Ch'ville Area Tree Stewards in the Parking Lot.  [A self-guided activity; rain does not cancel this activity.]

At 2 pm by the kiosk join us for a Spring Wildflowers with the Jefferson Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society [Hard rain/thunderstorm cancels this activity, but light rain does not.]

ICF New Member Drive (ongoing through the day)

This Week